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Beyond Traditional Hypnosis
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What Others Are Saying

Hi James

Hope you are well.

I just thought I would let you know that I was experimenting with a client earlier today, and tried a different way of taking the client into the Sichort state.

I started with them in somnambulism and told them that with every breath they would go 10 times deeper. In between breaths I guided them deeper, and then instructed them to cross over the border into �dolphin� (this is the keyword that was set for the Esdaile state). After getting them into the Esdaile state I told them to continue with the breathing and continue to go deeper with every breath. I then told them to allow the subconscious to take over and guide them down much further, all the way down to the relaxation of infancy. I then, in between every 5th breath, repeated patter about going down to the relaxation of infancy. And after about 2 minutes they were there, with all the characteristics of the Sichort state.

It surprised me that it can happen that easily.

Doing your course really has changed the whole way I view and use hypnosis in my practice.

Best regards,
Karl Meyer



Wanted to let you know I was finally able to watch your three DVD instruction program.  You've done an absolutely remarkable job on them and (pardon the pun) I sat mesmerized through the hours to view them.

Also, I was most impressed with your views on Edgar Cayce and his use of Ultra Depth
and the connection to Mr. Walter Sichort regarding such.  I've never been a follower of his, but remain extremely amazed by Cayce's teachings. 

Any way I can help, let me know -- behind you one-hundred percent.

Bob Kocher



I just watched the
Ultra Depth Process Distant Learning Course DVD set and found it really informative.  The pacing of the instruction was just right and the explanations and demonstrations were clear and easy to follow.  As a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, I can tell you that Ultra Depth has expanded my capabilities to help clients achieve deep relaxation.  I find it particularly useful for insomnia, anxiety issues, and for mind-body healing. 

I would recommend this training to any therapist who wants to expand his or her skills in deep trance work. 

Judith E. Pearson, Ph.D.
Motivational Strategies, Inc.
Springfield, Virginia

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