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The Hypnotic Seal Introduction

I feel that any person who has an interest in hypnosis needs to know this and how it works.  This is valuable information and the public needs to know about the, "Hypnotic Seal."  The seal can be placed upon an individual who is not educated in this technique.  The Hypnotic Seal was developed by Dave Elman, who taught many medical practitioners and dentists.  It was meant to protect their medical intervention with certain patients.  However, just because a person is practicing in the medical field does not necessarily mean that he or she is ethical or moral. 

It was Walter A. Sichort, Sr. who developed ways to break the Hypnotic Seals.  He passed his knowledge of them onto his students.  I, being Mr. Sichort's apprentice, learned of it's importance and have encountered several people who have had a seal placed on them.  None of these individuals were aware of the event taking place, until I discovered the seal while working with them.  

As I went through the process to break the seal with each individual, their recall of the event returned.  Each individual did not know what was actually done to them, but how it affected their lives was certainly clear.  As you will discover, in the process of breaking the seal, the person's recall of the event  will return.  Once the seal is broken it's effect never returns.

I also had a student, who upon graduation from my advanced training, went to visit a friend who for twenty years was narcoleptic.  As my graduate began to work with the friend, the person stopped responding.  The person had only been guided into a light state of hypnosis when this suddenly occurred.  My graduate noticed that this resembled a response to a seal.

My graduate was able to break the seal with the information I had taught the class. The friend was able to recall that fateful visit to a doctor. The Doctor hypnotized this person and the wording to install a seal was instituted.  A suggestion creating amnesia was given and this person was told that whenever they saw the color green, immediately they would enter a deep state of hypnosis.

The person was also instructed that if they were ever hypnotized by another person, the doctor is the only person who would be able to exit them from hypnosis.  This event occurred in the State of Illinois and twenty years later this person was living in the State of Florida.  Can you make the connection to a diagnosis of narcolepsy?  Can you see the impact that it had upon this person's life?  Is there someone that you know who may be a subject of a, "Hypnotic Seal?"  Don't allow yourself to be subjected to the whims of any unscrupulous individual.  Be informed and protect yourself.

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