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Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator Code of Ethics

In the public interest and for guiding the professional conduct of the Ultra Depth Process Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator, Ultra Depth International has developed this Code of Ethics to assure the continuing quality of the Ultra Depth Process and the professionalism of its Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators. Since some Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators are also accountable to professional licensing boards, those Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators are expected to abide by the ethical codes, and the professional policies of those boards. Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators will also abide by the laws and statues of their local, regional, and national geographic locales.

Principles and Standards of Ethical Conduct:

Ultra Depth Process Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators are accountable at all times for their actions, and avoid behaviors that are clearly in violation of accepted moral and legal standards. An Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and/or Educator must maintain the highest standards of professional conduct towards both the individual and society. The Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators provide professional services with objectivity and with respect for the unique needs and values of individuals.

The Client and Student Relationship

The Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators will first do no harm to anyone, including all clients. The Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator must respect and promote the welfare of clients and offer only those services in which they have been adequately educated and supervised.

Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators avoid exploiting the trust of their clients, fostering dependent relationships or dual relationships with clients. The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator must maintain adequate professional boundaries and avoid emotionally manipulating the client by acting in a superior, inferior, parental, or authoritarian manner. The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator will not engage in activities that seek to meet personal needs at the expense of the client.

The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator will avoid or terminate client relationships where his or her services are inadequate for the client�s needs. The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator will make appropriate referrals.

The Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and/or Educators do not engage in or condone sexual harassment. The Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators will refrain from any type of sexual, physical, or romantic intimacies with clients, their immediate family, or any former clients for a minimum of two years beyond the last professional contact. Students must have fully completed their education and have graduated from a student status to a Practitioner, Facilitator or Educator status before any intimate relationship may be pursued.

If a Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator or Educator is called upon to perform potentially conflicting roles to two or more persons who have a relationship, they clarify, adjust, or withdraw from those roles appropriately.

Ultra Depth Process Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators are aware of the impact of stereotyping and discrimination and maintain respect for the individual rights and personal dignity of the client.


The Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators protects confidential information and makes full disclosure about any limitations on his/her ability to guarantee full confidentiality.

Record-Keeping and Administrative Considerations

The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator establishes fee structures, and pricing and billing policies based on fairness and integrity and communicates that information honestly and openly to the student and/or client in advance.

Both student and client records as well as case notes should contain accurate and factual data and may not be released to others without the student�s and/or client�s written consent. Students and/or clients have a right to inspect their records. Records should be maintained for five years and then destroyed. Student and client information must be stored and transmitted in a secure manner.

Relationship to Other Professionals and Organizations

Ultra Depth Process Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators in organizations strive to assist those organizations in maintaining high standards of professional conduct and in providing competent and professional ethical services.

A Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator must not be influenced merely by personal benefit, professional advancement, or monetary rewards but must work and live with honesty and integrity.

Presenting Information to the Public

Ultra Depth Process Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators must not engage in activities that might lead to a misuse of influence. They must not mislead nor allow others to mislead the public as to their experience, credentials, or qualifications.

When presenting information to the public, the Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator presents substantiated information and interprets controversial information without personal bias, recognizing that legitimate differences of opinion exist. The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator recognizes and exercises professional judgment within the limits of his/her qualifications and collaborates with others, and seeks counsel.

Use of Intellectual Property

Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators do not engage in plagiarism, copyright infringement or any international or local trademark violations. Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators respect the rights of others intellectual property as well as James R. Ramey�s and Ultra Depth International.

Ultra Depth Practitioners, Facilitators and Educators will acquire proper permission in writing from the legal owner of said intellectual property, if they wish to use any part of the owner's intellectual property. Both parties must enter in legal agreement that clearly defines the parameters of use for the owners intellectual property. If an agreement for use is not granted then the Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and/or Educator will immediately refrain from any further use of the owners intellectual property.

Personal and Professional Development

The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and/or Educator have the responsibility to develop his/her own professional skills, knowledge, and performance and to keep abreast of changes in the field. The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator utilizes practices based on proven principles and current information.

An Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and/or Educator will establish a meaningful relationship with his or her own Subconscious approaching life in partnership for the highest possible good for themselves, their students and clients as well as all other individuals.

Practitioner, Facilitator and Educator Accountability

Violations of these ethical standards may result in withdrawal of Ultra Depth classification, association affiliation and support.

The Ultra Depth Practitioner, Facilitator and/or Educator has the obligation to voluntarily withdraw from practice if he or she cannot adhere to the professional standards in this code due to physical, mental, or emotional impairment, and should not resume practice until the impairment has been corrected.


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